The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is a multilateral development finance institution
founded in 1966 to promote social and economic progress in its developing member
countries in Asia and the Pacific (see ADB’s website:
2.2 ADB’s principal functions are
- lending funds,
- providing grants,
- providing technical assistance and advisory services,
- promoting investments for development purposes, and
- assisting in coordinating the development policies and plans of developing
member countries.
2.3 Loan disbursement is handled by the Loan Administration Division of the Controller’s
2.4 For loan service payments and billing matters, inquiries are addressed to the
Accounting Division of the Controller’s Department.
Loan or Grant Regulations
3.4 The regulations4
further set out conditions for the use of loan or grant proceeds
financed by ADB, or proceeds administered by ADB.
These documents are expressly
incorporated in the associated loan agreement, guarantee agreement, or grant
agreement. If any provision of a loan agreement, guarantee agreement, or grant
agreement is inconsistent with a provision of these regulations, the provision of the
loan agreement, guarantee agreement, or grant agreement governs.
Loan Documents
3.5 Loan documents
include the following documents and agreements:
ȕ Thereport and recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors
(RRP) presents the project proposal for consideration by the ADB Board.
ȕ Theproject administration manual (PAM)
includes all the information and
schedules describing project implementation and project readiness filters
covering major preproject implementation actions (e.g., government approvals,
procurement, and resettlement) to ensure a rapid start-up and enable early
disbursement. It is mandatory
that the PAM be referenced in the RRP and in
the loan (or facility) agreements, is presented as a stand-alone linked document
to the RRP, and serves as the main document describing implementation details.
The PAM is prepared in the course of loan processing and initially agreed with
the government at the loan fact-finding stage. At loan negotiations, the borrower
and ADB shall review and confirm the PAM agreed during loan fact-finding to
ensure consistency with the loan agreement, and such confirmation shall be
reflected in the minutes of the loan negotiations. The detailed cost estimate by
financier (one schedule included in the PAM) is prepared based on Section J6 of
the ADB Operations Manual (Appendix 3A).
Related illustrative tables are also
provided in this handbook (Appendix 3B).

What is GWT?

What is GWT?

  • Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is a development toolkit to create RICH Internet Application(RIA).
  • GWT provides developers option to write client side application in JAVA.
  • GWT compiles the code written in JAVA to JavaScript code.
  • Application written in GWT is cross-browser compliant. GWT automatically generates javascript code suitable for each browser.
  • GWT is open source, completely free, and used by thousands of developers around the world. It is licensed under the Apache License version 2.0.
Overall, GWT is a framework to build large scale and high performance web appliation while keeping them as easy-to-maintain.

Why to use GWT?

  • Being Java based, you can use JAVA IDEs like Eclipse to develop GWT applcation. Developers can use code auto-complete/refactoring/navigation/project management and all features of IDEs.
  • GWT provides full debugging capability. Developers can debug the client side application just as an Java Application.
  • GWT provides easy integration with Junit and Maven.
  • Again being Java based, GWT has a low learning curve for Java Developers.
  • GWT generates optimized javascript code, produces browser's specific javascript code by self.
  • GWT provides Widgets library provides most of tasks required in an application.
  • GWT is extensible and custom widget can be created to cater to application needs.
On top of everything, GWT applications can run on all major browsers and smart phones including Android and iOS based phones/tablets.

Disadvantages of GWT

Though GWT comes with lots of plus points but same time we should consider the following points:
  • Not indexable : Web pages generated by GWT would not be indexed by search engines because these applications are generated dynamically.
  • Not degradable: If your application user disables Javascript then user will just see the basic page and nothing more.
  • Not designer's friendly: GWT is not suitable for web designers who prefer using plain HTML with placeholders for inserting dynamic content at later point in time.

The GWT Components

The GWT framework can be divided into following three major parts:
  • GWT Java to JavaScript compiler : This is the most important part of GWT which makes it a powerful tool for building RIAs. The GWT compiler is used to translate all the application code written in Java into JavaScript.
  • JRE Emulation library : Google Web Toolkit includes a library that emulates a subset of the Java runtime library. The list includes java.lang, java.lang.annotation, java.math,, java.sql, java.util and java.util.logging
  • GWT UI building library : This part of GWT consists of many subparts which includes the actual UI components, RPC support, History management, and much more.
GWT also provides a GWT Hosted Web Browser which lets you run and execute your GWT applications in hosted mode, where your code runs as Java in the Java Virtual Machine without compiling to JavaScript.